cmd command Windows Management: Control Panel cpl and msc


cmd command Windows Administrative Tools: Control Panel cpl and msc

Function Code Description
Software APPWIZ.CPL start Control Panel/Software (Add Remove Programs)
Display DESK.CPL Properties of display (designs) with DESK.CPL,1 / DESK.CPL, 2 / DESK .CPL,3 the individual contents of the display can be called directly (screen saver, display, settings)
Java Control Panel jpicpl32.cpl if installed ?
Mouse MAIN.CPL Properties of mouse with MAIN.CPL,1 / MAIN.CPL, 2 / MAIN.CPL,3 the individual contents of the "Properties of mouse" can be displayed (keys, pointer, pointer options)
Hardware Wizard HDWWIZ.CPL  
Windows Firewall Firewall.CPL Windows Firewall Properties
Internet inetcpl.cpl "Properties of Internet" with inetcpl.cpl,1 / inetcpl.cpl, 2 / inetcpl.cpl,3 / ... the individual tabs of the Internet connection can be called directly (General, Security, Privacy, Content, Advanced, Programs, Connections)
Sounds and audio devices mmsys.cpl Properties of sounds and audio devices with mmsys.cpl,1 / mmsys.cpl,2 / mmsys .cpl,3 / ... the single tabs of the "Properties of sounds and audio devices" can be called directly (volume, sounds, audio, voice, hardware)
User accounts nusrmgr.cpl User accounts
Network installation wizard netsetup.cpl Network installation wizard
Network connections ncpa.cpl Network Connections
ODBC Data Source Administrator odbccp32.cpl ODBC data source administrator
Power options powercfg.cpl Power options properties
System properties sysdm.cpl with sysdm.cpl,1 / sysdm.cpl,2 / ... the individual tabs of the "System Properties" can be called directly (starting with Vista; System Restore, Automatic Updates, Remote, Advanced, Hardware, Computer Name, General)
Control Panel Control Calling the Control Panel
User names and passwords control keymgr.dll Stored user names and passwords
Administration control admintools Administration
Event viewer eventvwr Event Log (Application, Security, System, Internet Explorer)

Microsoft Management Console: Active Directory / Server

Function Code Description
Computer Management compmgmt.msc  
Disk management diskmgmt.msc  
Defragmentation dfrg.msc  
Shared folders fsmgmt.msc  
Device manager devmgmt.msc  
Local users and groups lusrmgr.msc  
Local group policies gpedit.msc  
Local security settings secpol.msc  
Services management services.msc  
Certificates certmgr.msc Manage certificates
Certification authority certsrv.msc  
Windows management tool wmi wmimgmt.msc  
remote desktop mstsc  
performance perfmon Performance monitor
Domain and trust positions domain.msc active directory
Users and computers dsa.msc Active Directory
Sites and services dssite.msc Active Directory
Policy result set rsop.msc Active Directory
DFS Distributed File System dfsgui.msc Server
DNS management dnsmgmt.msc Active Directory
File server management filesvr.msc Server
Removable media management ntmsmgr.msc  
Routing and RAS rrasmgmt.msc Server
DHCP dhcpmgmt.msc Server
Public Key Management pkmgmt.msc Server
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